Keeping Your Home and Property Safe from Wildfire

Prescribed burns are an important part of wildfire management. Photo: Jason Pettigrew, Oregon Department of Forestry
To address increasing concerns about wildfire, OSU Extension is working with local, state, and federal partners across Oregon to help people reduce fire risk and prepare for wildfire. OSU Extension worked with partners to deliver six workshops for 170 people across Clackamas County in 2019, providing education on wildfire preparedness. The goal is for people to assess their own fire risks and take steps to prepare their homes and communities to withstand wildfire.
The Oregon Legislature supported a big boost for this in 2019, funding the establishment of a new Oregon State Wildland Fire Extension Program. The program will provide new Regional Extension Wildfire Specialists, starting in 2020 to work with agency and industry partners, communities, landowners, and land managers. By leading partnerships and working together, we plan to make a real impact on the ground, building wildfire resistance and resilience into our rural landscapes and wildland urban interface areas.
Interested in promoting wildfire preparedness in your neighborhood?