Kids in the Kitchen goes virtual

Kids in the Kitchen 6th grader, Ren Suo, took this photograph of her Food Hero Cranberry Oatmeal Balls.
OSU Extension SNAP-Ed started partnering with Todos Juntos, a nonprofit after school provider in Clackamas County, to deliver Kids in the Kitchen to middle and high schoolers in Estacada and Sandy during fall 2020. Nutrition Educator, Elena Illescas, has years of experience teaching the class to groups of students at Estacada Middle School. In fall of 2020, the experience moved to the virtual classroom, with students preparing the recipes in their home kitchens.
The group met online weekly to discuss basic nutrition information, learn cooking skills, and share cooking experiences with each other. Quela Cauich, from Todos Juntos, taught food photography and encouraged students to photograph their dishes. Funds for ingredients were provided by the Providence Healthier Kids, Together effort. To keep up with future program offerings and watch the recipe videos, follow our FCH Facebook page.
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