4-H STEM supporting summer school programs

4-H partnered with schools to provide hands-on STEM education during Summer School.
During COVID-19, most school students learned on-line. Because of the difficulty of on-line education and limited hours, many younger students did not receive science education. Last summer 4-H partnered with area schools to provide hands-on STEM education during Summer School.
4-H Youth Development Associate Professor, Janet Nagele, developed hands-on science and engineering programs with educational units and activities focused on Forest Ecology, Water Ecology, Ornithology, Renewable Energy, Engineering, and Life Science. Nagele also provided training for teachers to implement the lessons, lesson material kits, and arranged for field trips to a local fish hatchery and Hopkins Demonstration Forest.
Teachers from Mulino and Heron Creek schools who taught the lessons called the program a huge success. According to school directors, “Teachers and students LOVED these science lessons. Truly a game changer for both teachers and kids. These units were wonderful.” Teachers reported that students found the hands-on lessons engaging and demonstrated new science skills and knowledge.