Education Opportunities in Response to Tree Dieback

Douglas-fir tree exhibiting signs of dieback. (Photo by Glenn Ahrens)
Questions about sick or dying trees are on the rise, amounting to about 40% of all inquiries received in 2023. Tree damage and mortality have increased over the last 10 years due to the continued effects of drought and heat combined with insects and disease. While problems have increased locally, Clackamas County and northwest Oregon in general is still one of the healthiest forest regions in the state.
To address common health problems for major tree species, we held a 4-part Tree Health Webinar Series focused on the question, “Why are my trees dying?” We were joined by experts from the Oregon Department of Forestry, U.S. Forest Service, and OSU Extension to address current health issues impacting some of our common species, what it means for the trees, and what you can do.