Trail improvements, volunteer efforts, and new forest guides offer more opportunities to explore Hopkins

After the February ice storm, volunteers came out to cut fallen trees, collapsed brush, and remove hazards from the roads and trails. Check website for monthly volunteer opportunities.
Hopkins Demonstration Forest, located near Beaver Creek, is a 140-acre privately owned forest open to the public. Hopkins has a 30-year history working in partnership with OSU Extension to provide walking trails, tours, workshops, and education programs to the public, free of charge. But the severe ice storms in February of 2021 devasted much of the 5.8 miles of trails and roads that crisscross the woodland and connect with a variety of habitats and forestry demonstrations, restricting public access.
Thanks to many dedicated volunteers who cut fallen trees, collapsed brush, and removed hazards from the roads and trails, and a $53,000 grant from Travel Oregon, significant restoration and improvements were made to the trails last year. The grant helped upgrade trails from chip and soil to gravel, and replace aging stream crossings. These improvement to the safety, surfacing, and trail shape will allow more users, educational youth groups, and adult tours to navigate the different management areas all year round.
To complement this new and improved access, OSU Extension Forestry Educator, Peter Matzka, and Clackamas County Extension Forester, Glenn Ahrens, compiled a new, comprehensive Forest Guide and Trail Map that highlight the different management areas and silvicultural treatments, interpretive trails, educational opportunities, and unique facilities and features.
Visitors to Hopkins are welcome from 7:00 AM to dusk. The guides are complimentary and can be found at the Information and News Kiosk. Parking, and admission to the forest are also free.
A new comprehensive, Forest Guide and Trail Map highlight the different management areas and silvicultural treatments, interpretive trails, educational opportunities, and unique facilities a Hopkins Demonstration Forest.
Opportunities to connect:

A new comprehensive, Forest Guide and Trail Map highlight the different management areas and silvicultural treatments, interpretive trails, educational opportunities, and unique facilities a Hopkins Demonstration Forest.