Testing Quinoa Crop Viability in Oregon

Protecting your home and property from wildfire starts with creating defensible space and making buildings resistant to ignition.
This past summer, the quinoa trial at NWREC involved 10 quinoa varieties that have been developed by local plant breeders as possible good fits for growers in our region. Quinoa seed is used as a rice substitute, a gluten free food, high in protein, and is a complete protein source for vegans and vegetarians. Very small amounts of seed are produced for either consumption or as seed for planting within the US. While the market is favorable to quinoa production, several obstacles exist including a failure of seed production during hot summers when the plant is flowering. The NWREC trial tested varieties planted at four different times in order to see the effects of temperature and date on plant development and yield.
See aerial drone footage of the quinoa crops here.