4-H member Kate Stamey takes on Climate Change Policy
at the Local, State, and National Level

4-H Member Kate Stamey was recognized as a Pamplin Amazing Kid in 2023 for her conservation and climate change advocacy.
Conservation and climate change are often on Katherine Stamey’s mind. Kate found her voice though the 4-H Youth Development program. “Through my years in 4-H, I have gained so much self-confidence, both in what I am capable personally, and in my ability to be a leader and work to improve the community,” says Kate.
As a delegate to National 4-H Conference, Kate worked with a team of diverse youth to tackle the challenge of getting federal support to those suffering the most from the effects of climate change. Kate spoke to representatives from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture about the team’s recommendations. “I learned so much that I have been able to bring back to my life, my 4-H club as well as my community,” Kate says.
Kate combined her interests in horses and climate into two national award-winning talks: “How the Climate Crisis is Affecting Horses” and “Issues and Solutions for Wild Horses on the Rangeland.” At the Oregon 4-H Youth Voices in Action Conference, Kate presented to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife about habitat conservation. She then wrote to Governor Kotek asking her to make climate action a priority.
What is Kate planning next? “I want to spread ideas and get people excited about making change and solving issues. I have come to realize that my voice and the things I have to say deserve to be said.”