State of the University Address Features 4-H Ambassadors
Nearly 750 Alumni and Friends gathered to learn what is currently happening at Oregon State University —and what the future holds. The State of the University address, held annually at the Oregon Convention Center, is an opportunity to share success stories in research, student learning, and statewide engagement. The 2019 event featured a panel discussing the future of OSU and included two 4-H members.
Clackamas County 4-H member Déja Fitzwater welcomed the opportunity to ask questions of President Ed Ray. Déja is a 6-year 4-H member whose favorite club activities, include leadership, public speaking, and taking care of her rabbit. She is active on the Clackamas County 4-H Ambassador Team and a Junior Superintendent at the County Fair. Déja is familiar with OSU and has attended 4-H Summer Conference at the Corvallis campus twice.

The State of the University Address attracts many donors and partners. Déja was excited to see Bob Moore, OSU supporter and founder of Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods.

4-H Ambassadors Déja Fitzwater (right) and Quinn Schroeder (left) of
Washington County 4-H, learn President Ed Ray’s plans for the future of OSU.